Hi, I’m Christina, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco. My style of therapy is warm and interactive; I do not just sit in silence. Our work is collaborative and my style is engaged and responsive. I believe that you deserve not only to be heard, but also understood. Research shows that therapy is most impactful when you have a solid relationship with your therapist. In my practice, I prioritize our relationship and establishing safety in addition to the clinical aspects of the work. This is a safe space, free of judgement. In session I have heard “thank you so much for not judging me, I know I can say anything in here”.
I provide compassionate understanding and will also invite you to consider new ideas or patterns in a productive way. It can be difficult to see or notice some of our own patterns, so I think this is a really crucial step in therapy. In session I’ve also heard things like “thanks for that gentle call-out” or “I actually hadn’t thought about it like that.”
After initial sessions of getting to know each other and gathering background and history info, a session with me will generally consist of seeing how you are doing, a quick recap of our last session and me asking you what you would like to focus on today. While I have a sense of your goals and what you would like to prioritize, it’s important that you have a say in this week to week. We are complex, dynamic beings.